Training with Coach Amy

There is a single skillset absolutely necessary in order for an athlete to unlock their full potential, to achieve their biggest dreams & stand victorious on top of any battle. A skillset that transformed my performance beyond what many believed possible. My mentality. 


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit!
— Aristotle

Amy Farber Teal

Through my vast experience as a Division I Athlete, Division I Collegiate Coach for 17 years, and my Masters in Sports Psychology from the University of Oklahoma, this knowledge and experience I have, has allowed me to develop a proven track record of successful results. The application and implementation of advanced technical training coupled with positive psychology has yielded powerful results. I not only have experienced it firsthand as a Division I athlete but have applied it to every team I have coached. The results speak for themselves after having teams that I have taught these techniques to, win numerous Conference Championships, Tournament Championships as well as even a National Championship. If interested, ask me about my GAME FACE Mindset training sessions.

Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our success, or a contributor to your failure. Which one you choose, is up to you.

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