GAME FACE Mindset ™
GAME FACE Mindset™
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GAME FACE Mindset is a mental training program that helps athletes improve their performance by teaching them how to manage their thoughts and emotions during competition. It’s designed to help athletes stay focused, confident, and fearless, especially when the pressure is on!
GAME FACE Mindset is just another layer of training to help you reach your full potential.
What you will learn…
What is GAME FACE Mindset?
Control your Controllables
How to improve your Self-Talk
Where does Confidence come from?
How to have a Growth Mindset and so much more!!!
Mental training; The Secret to Success!!
We do a great job training our muscles and our skillset but the missing piece between being good and great, between success and failure, is the MINDSET! Let me help you develop a positive mindset to reach your goals as a player and give you a competitive advantage.
Is your daughter or son struggling with focusing on their mistakes? Do they get caught up in a negative spiral of events? Can you see their body language start to decline? Has their coach mentioned to them about fixing their mindset but they don’t know how? Let me work with them. I will teach them the power of their self-talk, goal setting, and visualization, along with reprogramming their belief system, just to name a few. It truly is a game-changer!
Email me to set up a time to get started!
You are the embodiment of love & your level of support and encouragement is unmatched. You embrace the role as coach, mentor, and work tirelessly to build trust with everyone you work with. If someone has a dream to chase you will do everything in your power to help and encourage them to go for it and guide them appropriately. You are a kind and generous person and give from your heart. You have faith in The Lord and you lead & believe first knowing that He works through all of us and you bring it with you. All who work with you know that & it is a beautiful thing. I am so excited for you as I know there is so much you can offer to those searching for someone like you to help them work through the mental barriers that we all are guilty of putting up that hold us back from achieving the things we want to achieve. Erin A…
Thanks Amy, it’s been so good for her. Her last 2 games were so physical and she was being slapped, held, shoved, fouled and she just let it roll right off her. She personally had great games and her team won too. She also had tough loss in their playoff game and walked away with a great attitude. Definitely a lot of growth!
TESTIMONIALS You are the embodiment of love & your level of support and encouragement is unmatched. You embrace the role as coach, mentor, and work tirelessly to build trust with everyone you work with. If someone has a dream to chase you will do everything in your power to help and encourage them to go for it and guide them appropriately. You are a kind and generous person and give from your heart. You have faith in The Lord and you lead & believe first knowing that He works through all of us and you bring it with you. All who work with you know that & it is a beautiful thing. I am so excited for you as I know there is so much you can offer to those searching for someone like you to help them work through the mental barriers that we all are guilty of putting up that hold us back from achieving the things we want to achieve. Erin A… Thanks Amy, it’s been so good for her. Her last 2 games were so physical and she was being slapped, held, shoved, fouled and she just let it roll right off her. She personally had great games and her team won too. She also had tough loss in their playoff game and walked away with a great attitude. Definitely a lot of growth!
I to run an 8-week Group Mental Coaching program for Student-Athletes called FEARLESS MINDSET!!
These sessions will be held virtually via Zoom.
Participants will learn tangible tools to help manage anxiety, improve confidence, build motivation, thrive under pressure, and overcome setbacks they can use in their sport, school, and life!
Check back soon for dates for the next session.