Position-Specific Training

This program is designed to train and develop the skillset for your position. Every position is multi-faceted, so I want to work on developing an understanding and execution of each facet of the position you play.

For example, Setters not only need to have nice hands, or a feel for the ball, but they also need to develop fast feet, rhythm, execution, consistency, decision-making skills along with peripheral eye sequencing to read the defense as well as holistic knowledge of the game to know where to go when and why, and how to make live match time adjustments to lead their teammates. Not to mention defense and offensive attacking are also a part of their position.

In the Outside(Pin)/Libero training sessions, passing, defense, and hitting transition from an out-of-system pass by the Libero/DS will be a large focus. Since so many of the balls that a pin hitter swings at are “out-of-system”, we need to train our hitters to effectively transition to attack the out-of-system ball. Liberos will get many passing and defensive reps along with “second” balls to set up for an attack to the pins. This will be a fun session for sure!! Don’t miss out!!

In the Setter/Middle training sessions, the connection between the two positions can be challenging at any level. It needs a lot of practice for the setter to be able to find the right tempo for the middle as well as the correct timing for the middles to be up and ready to swing at the ball. A large reason many setters don’t set the middle is “fear of failing”, so we’ll have lots of opportunities to learn how to effectively feel the tempo of the middle and connections for the hitters to feel success as well.

In the Serving/Passing/Defense training session, you will learn how to angle pass with ease, jump serve, and train defensive floor moves just to name a few. This is designed for ANYONE who wants to learn, develop, and master any of these skill sets. This program is great for any position to get those reps you just can’t get enough of in practice. It is also a great opportunity for Middles who never get to play backrow but want to learn how to pass, serve aggressively, and play defense when they serve in that one rotation or in case they transition into a pin hitter as they get older.

Each position has those special types of skillsets that can only be broken down and developed in a training environment where they can be fearless to make lots of mistakes as they learn and grow. My training programs have a proven success rate for players who have participated in them in the past.

Feel free to register for as many as you want. If the time I’m offering doesn’t fit your position, you can still register for the timeframe that does. I will work it out. For instance, if you are a pin and the only time that works for you is from 5-630 on Thursday (during the Setter/Middle session), then, by all means, register for that time frame and we will make it work for all those involved.

Positive repetitions equal positive results! The more frequency of correct technique the sooner the technique becomes a positive habit!

Reach out for any questions you might have at info@trainingwithcoachamy.com.

Each program will be 1.5 hours of training at a price point of $90 per 1.5 hours.

Position-Specific Training schedule is as follows:

When: TBD (email Coach Amy with interest)

Time: TBD

Where: Round Rock Sports Center
2400 Chisholm Trail, Round Rock, TX
(512) 341-3125

Payment is due before you train to solidify your spot in the program. If paying by Venmo; please click on the REDEEM COUPON button in the payment section and enter the word VENMO2023 (all caps) to register for the program and then you can pay for it before the session.

Blessed to help you train for SUCCESS!!
Amy Farber Teal


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